Tuesday, September 22, 2015



In this lesson I continued with the topic of music. I wanted my students to express their opinions regarding some famous singers’ daily activities. Since I wanted all of them to participate, I made paper cards with four degree makers:  I like it, I don’t like it, neutral and I hate it. Then I started saying sentences about famous singers and they raised their hand with the paper card showing their opinions. I found this activity very engaging for my students. The ones who didn’t understand what I was saying asked to the person next to them and in this way all of them were involved in the activity.
After that I gave the instructions of the exercises in the virtual learning environment (VLE) and they started to work. In this lesson, also, they worked in the computer laboratory and they could choose to work individually or in pairs but with a person of the same color. Apparently everything was going fine. Some minutes later I saw my students couldn’t watch the video in the VLE, so I gave them the link of Youtube and in this way they could achieve the activity. One positive aspect I highlight of this type of listening activity is that these students could work at their own pace.
Resultado de imagen para teens with computers
During the development of these activities some difficulties arose so I had to fix them quickly. . 
The last activity was a project. They had four options to choose from taking into account their multiple intelligences.  A letter, a podcast, a comic strip or a blog were the ways they could use to talk with a famous singer and ask him/her about the frequency of the activities they do on their daily basis. I realized most of them decided to create a letter while others chose the comic strip. I felt very happy to see their attitudes towards the activity which was opened to their preferences.
Some extra activities were posted in case some of them finished before the time expected but it didn’t happen. The time was the appropriate one for the class. For that reason, the class environment was good so I didn’t have complications with the students’ behavior.
If I had the oportunity to teach this lesson again, I would bring more material necessary for all my students and I would try all the exercises in the VLE from a different account to check everything is working well in the platform. In general I can say I feel so happy about the possitive attitudes my students are showing towards these lessons.


  1. Hi dear Marolly, You have had very interesting classes in which you have shown that the use of technology in a classroom is very positive. I invite you to share with us the different technological skills or streghts you have in order to succed in these classes.

  2. Hi Anita, as you have stated the use of technology in the classroom brings remarkable experiences while students learn not only the language itself, but also some technological skills. During my classes, I use an online platform called Moodle with free access for one as a teacher to create courses and add students. Aditionally, with this platform you can adapt a Virtual Learning Environment to share content, create online exercises, tests, among others. If you are interested to know more about it, just let me know.
    I really appreciate your comment!
